Online Research Community

About Online Research Community (ORC)

A moderated, digital platforms which feature a multitude of flexible qualitative and quantitative research modules. The method empowers consumers and enables dialogue-based research over a longer duration. Choosing from a wide variety of flexible qualitative and quantitative research modules tailored to your research questions, Online Research Communities help gain spontaneous as well as reflected consumer feedback. Our innovative research modules range from discussion forums, surveys and configurators to concept evaluations, diaries and content uploads

Outcome & Benefits

  • Empowering your consumers in dialogue-based, interactive research at eye level
  • Engaging a large number of selected consumers to gain robust and valid insights
  • Fusing qualitative and quantitative research modules based on our library of state-of-the-art tools.
  • Helping you to implement an ongoing dialog and feedback channel for a truly customer-centric approach in any phase of your innovation process.
  • Helping you to engage with your consumers via our mobile app to collect data in the moments that matter – anytime, anywhere.