Co-creation Workshop

About Co-creation Workshop

There is a reason we put the “co” in Co-Creation Workshops. It is a moderated face-to-face sessions with selected participants–consumers, trend receivers, entrepreneurs, experts, influencers– to explore consumer needs and pain points, evaluate concepts, and refine prototypes. To create impactful co-creation sessions, we apply customized Design Thinking and Service Design methodologies, while our innovation and research experts collaborate in figuring out your innovation challenges.

Outcome & Benefits

  • Gain in-depth feedback on concepts and real-world prototypes regarding acceptance, appeal, aesthetics and features
  • Further, refine and develop your concepts based on a sound and detailed evaluation of your concept or prototype
  • Understand consumer need gaps and pain points as well as their routines and preferences of consumers
  • Become an integral part of the workshop session and “look over the consumers’ shoulders”